Experience Based Co-design of Psychosis Centered Integrated Care Services for Ethnically Diverse People with Multimorbidity (Co-PICS)

The aim of this study is to improve the care of diverse people, living with psychosis and multiple long-term conditions by co-designing resources based on patient experiences.

Aim of the study

To improve the care of diverse people, living with psychosis and multiple long-term conditions by co-designing resources based on patient experiences.

Study type


Who is able to participate?

  • People over the age of 18 who have experience of psychosis and at least 2 long term physical health conditions: diabetes, cardio-respiratory, kidney and liver disease. We will recruit a diverse sample with regards to age, ethnicity and
    type of illness. We will recruit from both the NHS and community partners.
  • Key stakeholders working with this population, such as health care professionals, carers, psychiatrists, GPs.

Where is the study happening?

At different sites in the UK. These are Oxford Health, Birmingham, West London,
Bradford, Derby, Leicester, Northumberland.

Open and close dates of recruitment

Recruitment is open now July 2024 to end of September 2024 for patient participants to join our photovoice workshops. This is where you take photographs of your experience, create captions and discuss these with other participants. Once you contact us we set up workshops online or in person at community venues in your region. We aim to be flexible so please get in touch.

How do I get involved?

Email us on: [email protected]
Text us on: 07747 559790


Introduction: People from racialised backgrounds experience higher levels of
psychosis, multiple disadvantages, less GP care, more coercive care and dissatisfaction with care compared with White British people.

Aims: to improve the care of diverse people, living with psychosis and multiple long-term conditions by co-designing resources based on patient experiences.

Methods: Marginalised populations are under- represented in research, and so novel methods of engagement are needed. We will ask people to share their experiences using a creative approach called ‘photovoice’ as well as long storytelling interviews. These methods have been useful in previous work to facilitate people to contribute to research who wouldn’t usually be able to take part. We will explore how multiple illnesses evolve in the context of trauma, discrimination, other disadvantage; and how these affect care experiences.

Outputs: With their stories we will co-design resources together for use in practice, training and policy, to reduce the health inequalities experienced. We will evaluate the use and impact of these resources in several case study sites in England.

Has this study received ethical approval?

Yes. REC number: 322421

Lead investigators

Professor Kam Bhui and Dr Roisin Mooney, University of Oxford

Who is funding the study?


Links for more information
