The Activity Trap

This study, funded by Disability Rights UK, aims to explore the fear faced by disabled people of losing their benefits if they are seen to be physically active.

Aim of the study

This study aims to explore the fear faced by disabled people of losing their benefits if they are seen to be physically active.

Study type

Online questionnaire and optional follow up online interview.

Who is able to participate?

Any disabled people (and their parents or carers) who have experience of applying for benefits.

Where is the study happening


Open and close dates of recruitment

Open now, questionnaire closes 31st Dec.

How do I get involved?

Complete this questionnaire or email the lead researcher[email protected] for more information.


The Activity Trap is the fear faced by disabled people of losing their benefits if they are seen to be physically active. Durham University and Disability Rights UK are leading a co-produced research project to gain a deeper understanding of the prevalence of this problem, and peoples’ experiences of completing benefit applications in relation to the Activity Trap. We will use the results of this project to create resources to support people in navigating the Activity Trap and lobby for changes to the benefit system.

Has this study received ethical approval?

Durham University, project ID: 2927, review reference: SPORT-2024-2927-2791.

Lead investigators

Dr Toni Williams [email protected].

Who is funding the study?

Disability Rights UK.