Join us for a night to remember!
Why not treat yourself to a hair-raising hike around some of the City’s scary streets and historic haunts? Choose your distance, with 25km and 10km options, gather your bravest guys and ghouls to make up a team – or go it alone if you dare and meet up with other chilling challengers. Dress to distress, and the creepy dungeon keepers at The Oval start and finish will meet, greet and shock.
Once you escape there’s ghostly looped routes, with zombie rest stops, and if you manage to get back in one piece there’s a macabre medal, a glass of the Devil’s fizz, some horrific hot food and drink – and a souvenir bobble hat to ward off the spirits as you head off home. Join as an individual or as a terrifying team.
What you'll get:
- Sign up from £10
- Inclusive and fun event with a great atmosphere and camaraderie
- Choose your distance, with 10km or 25km options
- A fully signed route, with a team of ‘Trekmasters’ out on the trail with you
- Indoor rest stops, with free food and drink, massages and medics
- An epic finish line moment, with a glass of fizz, medal and T-shirt
- Full fundraising support, and a choice of fundraising options
Choose your fundraising option:
Full Charity Sponsorship:
You pay a small registration fee, do lots of fundraising and we cover the cost of your event place!
Mixed Fundraising:
You pay half of the event place cost yourself, fundraise a bit less and we pay the balance of the event place cost.
Mixed Fundraising:
You pay for the event place cost yourself and fundraise whatever you can at no cost to us.
Head to the Ultra Challenge website to discover more exciting events and any questions please email [email protected]