Your eGFR is 60-89ml/min, plus you have some other signs of kidney damage. Tests may show protein and blood in your wee, and kidney damage may show in a test like an ultrasound or CT scan.

How you might feel: Your kidneys will still be able to filter your blood so you may not notice any signs of a problem. But, as in stage 1 CKD, some people have a few of the tell-tale symptoms.
How doctors will treat you: At this stage it’s all about slowing down kidney disease progression. This will mean keeping your blood pressure in a healthy range and managing your blood glucose if you have diabetes.
Most people diagnosed with CKD stages 1-3 will never need to see a kidney specialist and will remain under the care of their GP.
Only around 1 in every 50 people diagnosed with CKD will go on to develop kidney failure and need renal replacement therapy (dialysis treatment or a transplant).