Kidney Patient Reported Experience Measure (PREM)

Every year the Kidney PREM collects the views of kidney patients across the UK to build a national picture of renal care experiences. Find out more about PREM, how the results are reported and how to take part in this year's survey.

Your voice matters!

The annual experience survey for kidney patients is opening soon

Every year we ask you to let your unit know your experience of care as a kidney patient. Your feedback is vital to influencing how your unit provides kidney care.

This year’s kidney Patient Reported Experience Measure (PREM) is open from Monday 16 September until Monday 11 November 2024. The link to the survey will be available below once it’s open.

How can the PREM survey benefit me?

The survey can benefit you by helping you to anonymously share your praises and concerns about the main areas of your care with your unit. This helps your kidney team to understand how you and the other kidney patients they care for feel about your experience of care.

By taking part, you help your unit, other health care professionals, and kidney charities to get a national picture of people’s experience. We can use this to identify where changes need to be made, and units can see how they are performing against other units, to make sure they aren’t falling behind.

Am I eligible to take part?

If you are over the age of 16 and living with chronic kidney disease (CKD) you can take part. This includes those attending a UK hospital renal unit or satellite unit but not yet on renal replacement therapy and anyone who has received a kidney transplant. The survey is available in English, Welsh, Urdu and Gujarati.

Where can I find out more about the PREM and the results for previous years?

You can find the details of every previous PREM survey by clicking the links on the menu to on the left side of this page.