Make your voice heard: PREM 2024!

The annual Patient Reported Experience Measure (PREM) survey is now closed. The results of this year's survey will be shared next year.

The survey asks you to rate 13 themes, from transport to needling. Your feedback is completely anonymous and helps lead to improvements as well as letting your unit know what you think they are doing well.

You can take part if:

  • You are over age of 16 and receiving treatments for chronic kidney disease (CKD) can take part. This includes those attending a UK hospital renal unit or satellite unit but not yet on renal replacement therapy and anyone who has received a kidney transplant.
  • You are aged 12-16 and receiving treatments for chronic kidney disease (CKD) can take part. This includes those attending a UK hospital renal unit or satellite unit but not yet on renal replacement therapy and anyone who has received a kidney transplant.
  • You are a parent/carer for a child or young person of any age receiving treatment can complete the pilot paediatric PREM. The first page of the survey offers both these options.