Share your experiences of social and emotional support to help us campaign

Kidney Care UK is working hard throughout the UK to campaign for the improvement of social and emotional (psychosocial) support for people with kidney disease.

By completing our five-minute survey, you will have the opportunity to help us campaign, have your say and let us know your views and experiences.

We will put the results of this survey into a report which we will share with the government in Westminster and in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. We will also publish the survey results on our website. We may include quotes from comments submitted in the survey, but we will not identify you or anyone else in doing so.

To complete the survey, you must be:

  • Living with chronic kidney disease (CKD)
  • 18 years old or over
  • A UK resident

Please note: a carer or family member can complete the survey on your behalf.

Complete the psychosocial support for people with CKD survey

The survey will close at midnight on Tuesday 11 February.

Taking part in the survey will help us to continue to campaign for better care for all people living with kidney disease in the UK.

More about psychosocial support from Kidney Care UK

  • Psychosocial health – a manifesto for action and a campaign for change

    Psychosocial care saves lives, yet too many people living with kidney disease are not getting the social and emotional support they need. With experts from the National Psychosocial Working Group, we have developed a manifesto for action.

  • Campaign, Treatment and medication

    Psychosocial support for people with kidney disease in Scotland is urgently needed and worryingly lacking

    At Kidney Care UK we believe that everyone with a long-term condition must have equal access to the mental health and social (psychosocial) care support they need.

  • Counselling and support service

    Living with a long-term illness such as chronic kidney disease can turn anyone's world upside down. You’re not alone. Our Counselling Service offers help and emotional support to kidney patients and their families.