Dee says: “In the podcast I explore all areas of kidney disease and talk about difficult and sensitive subjects, but always with a message of hope. I hope that listeners will feel educated, empowered and inspired to thrive within their own kidney warrior journey."
Diary of a Kidney Warrior Podcast
Dee Moore's Kidney Warrior Story
When Dee Moore was diagnosed with stage 4 CKD she decided to share her journey online, creating a vlog before moving into podcasting in 2020. Diary of a Kidney Warrior Podcast is now created in partnership with Kidney Care UK.
Every episode of the podcast explores different aspects of kidney disease. Whether you live with kidney disease, or a family or friend does, Diary of Kidney Warrior Podcast will help you learn more.
Diary of a Kidney Warrior Podcast: listen now
New episodes of Diary of Kidney Warrior Podcast are available to download every other Monday from Podbean, Apple Podcast and Spotify. You can also listen to episodes on YouTube.
Look through a listing of all available Diary of Kidney Warrior Podcast episodes below.
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Episode 60
Raising awareness of kidney cancer
Susan Sireshuk, Clinical Nurse Specialist and Malcolm Packer, Head of Communications at Kidney Care UK join Dee to talk about kidney cancer in this two part series.
Episode 56
The Supporting Care Partners Research Project
PHD student Chelsea Coumoundouros joins Dee Moore to chat about her research: The Supporting Care Partners Research Project.
Episode 54
The good, the bad and the ugly of kidney transplantation
Kidney transplantation: what are the benefits, and what are the risks? Consultant Nephrologist Dr Adnan Sharif shares his expertise. Also: actor Marcel White joins Dee to share his story.
Episode 51
2021 highlights
In 2021 Highlights, Dee Moore shares excerpts from story interviews and interviews with health professionals, in which they gave their advice and encouragement for kidney warriors.
Episode 45
The relationship between diabetes, hypertension and kidney disease and the impact on the Black Community
Renal Nurse Pat Simoyi and Specialist Diabetes Nurse Angela Thomas join Dee to take a closer look at top two causes of CKD, type 2 diabetes and hypertension, and their impact on the Black Community. Part three of four.
Episode 44
Why are Black people more likely to develop kidney disease and what are we doing about it?
Consultant Nephrologist and Clinical Senior Lecturer Dr Kate Bramham joins Dee to address the question: “Why are Black people more likely to develop kidney disease and what are we doing about it?“. Part two of four.
Episode 43
Tearing down the walls: the story of Dr Velma Scantlebury, America’s first female Black Transplant Surgeon.
For Black History Month, Diary of a Kidney Warrior is focusing on topics around kidney health and the Black Community. This episode features award-winning American transplant surgeon and author Dr Velma Scantlebury.
Episode 42
What happens on the day of a kidney transplant and beyond?
For Organ Donation Week. Consultant Transplant Surgeon Dr Hannah Maple joins Dee Moore to talk about what happens on the day of a kidney transplant and beyond.
Episode 39
The kidney transplant recipient work-up process
Transplant Recipient Coordinator Trevene Wilson joins Dee Moore to explain the kidney transplant recipient work-up process.
Episode 37
Consultant Transplant Surgeon Dr Frank Dor returns to answer questions submitted by listeners
Dr Frank Dor answers questions about a range of topics, from the Covid-19 vaccine to exercise and muscle tone following transplant surgery.