NHSBT Organ Donation Week and Kidney Care UK Parliament reception

Are you or your family affected by kidney disease, and waiting for or living with a transplant? Then we need you on Wednesday 13 September 2023!

Working with NHS Blood and Transplant, we are asking MPs to meet with us at the Houses of Parliament for an Organ Donation Week reception. We’ll discuss why we need to reverse the impact of Covid-19 on the transplant waiting lists.

Hearing directly from you, their constituents, about what it’s like to have kidney disease and the impact a transplant can have will help MPs to understand why and how we need them to help. With 20 people facing kidney failure a day, we're hoping at least 20 kidney patients will be able to join us. If your MP agrees to attend with you, we will contribute towards the cost of your travel (excluding flights or overnight stays).

Email your MP to ask them to meet us in Westminster

Please show your support and contact your MP to urge them to attend, whether or not you are able to make it. We would love it if you could email them. Below is some text you could use and adapt:

Dear <insert MP name>

Organ donation saves lives – in the UK, around 5,000 people are in need of a kidney transplant and, on average, are on the transplant waiting list for 2-3 years.

I’m writing to you today to ask you if you will join me at/attend (delete as appropriate) the Kidney Care UK and NHS Blood and Transplant Organ Donation Week drop-in meeting on Wednesday 13 September in Dining Room A between 1.30-4pm.

You’ll be able to hear from the experts about how Covid-19 has impacted organ donation and transplantation, and what needs to be done to save more lives. You will be hearing from people with first-hand experience of what it is like to donate or receive a kidney transplant, as well as people in need of a transplant. Professor Sir Stephen Powis will be there discussing how we can all play our part in taking forward the recommendations of the DHSC’s organ utilisation group.

<<Please describe your experience of kidney disease and transplantation>>


<insert your name, and full postal address>

Before you press send, please make sure you have added your full name and postal address so your MP knows you are one of their constituents, and please cc [email protected]

How to contact your MP

You can write to or email your MP at their office in your constituency; to find the details type in their name into your search engine. Not sure who your MP is? Go to They Work For You and type in your postcode.

Get in touch to let us know you can join us

If you are able to attend and would like more information, please let us know by emailing us at [email protected]. We'd be grateful if you could let us know as soon as possible if you will be able to join us as numbers will be limited and we will need to submit a list of attendee names to security.