On your marks, get set... bake for the Great Team Bake Off
Donate to enter, bring in your home bakes and get your teammates voting for the Top Baker in your team. Ask people to make a donation to cast their vote, then hold a cake sale with the tasty treats!
Bond with your workplace bucket buddies
Charge for car washing! Get a team together at lunchtimes and get those sponges flying quick time. The staff car park will be full of gleaming vehicles in no time, but remember to charge the gaffers a premium rate...
Mark high days and holidays
Hold a special coffee or lunchtime event, based on a season or a holiday – you could organise an Easter Egg Hunt, a Strawberry Fayre, a pancake tossing competition or Christmas Jumper Day. The list is endless – before you know it you and your team will be planning special events for the whole team to look forward to throughout the year.
Celebrate World Kidney Day
World Kidney Day is always on the second Thursday of March, and it’s a great chance to hold a team building event. Why not plan a special activity for Kidney Care UK and have fun while raising awareness of chronic kidney disease (CKD)?
Wear it blue for Kidney Care UK
Choose your own day to ‘Wear it Blue’, perhaps as part of a water-themed event such as National Hydration Day or Water Saving Week. Get creative with your work mates and see who can make the most impact; get sponsored to dress up, or down, and raise vital funds while you show your true colour!
Take a walking lunch break
During National Walking Month in May, why not set up a lunchtime walking group and get sponsored to walk, talk and get fit? Our partners at Anglian Water dusted off their walking boots and took part in their own ‘Wellness and Walking’ Event.
Organise a workplace tombola
Remember, one person’s junk is another person’s treasure! Gather up all your new, boxed, unwanted gifts and hold a workplace tombola, perhaps alongside a cake sale. (Just make sure you don't regift that office secret Santa present...)
Join our team of #KidneyWarriors
Your workplace may be able to secure some specially reserved places in the London Marathon, the Great North Run, the London Landmarks Half Marathon, the Cambridge Marathon or other amazing national challenges. If you’ve always fancied running with your work friends, this could be your perfect opportunity.
Bring your pet to work
If you can get permission, have a bit of fur baby friendship building at work. Pay to bring your pet in, pay a penalty if they don’t behave perfectly and claim a prize for the best behaved pet!
Pack bags, earn pounds
Why not spend a few lunchtimes bag packing at a local supermarket with your collection buckets out? This traditional fundraising activity raises awareness and money for good causes and though it takes a bit of forward planning, it’s a team effort and great fun.
Share your skills
Showcase your craft talents in the office and and create something unique for your teammates – a refurbished item of clothing, some special handmade cards, or a cake to pass off as their own homemade bake, perhaps!
Wake up / shake up
Make fundraising your first order of business with a breakfast time ‘shake up’. Get your office keep-fit guru to hold a group exercise or yoga session, followed by a healthy kickstart breakfast – a great way to start work with an amazing energy boost.
Take on a sponsored team challenge
Set up a sponsored swim, run or cycle team challenge, and add a dose of healthy (and motivating!) competition between departments or branches. Who will reach the goal fastest, or rack up the most miles?
We're here to help
Thank you for choosing to fundraise for Kidney Care UK! Need support or materials to help with your fundraising? You can reach the Kidney Care UK Corporate Partnerships team at [email protected]