Thames Water

We’re really excited to be working with Thames Water to support vulnerable kidney patients. There are approximately 470,000 people living with CKD across their network region, with 40% of these living in the two most deprived percentiles in North West and North East London.

By working in partnership, we aim to provide specific support to around 20,000 patients who have been transplanted or are on home dialysis or in centre dialysis in these areas of high deprivation.

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Get in touch with Thames Water to sign up for the Priority Services Register:

More cost of living support

  • Cost of living support and benefits

    Find out about benefits and support during the cost-of-living crisis: what you may be eligible for, how much, and when, plus sources of further information and advice

  • Managing your energy bills when you have kidney disease

    Find out how to keep your energy bills down and manage your energy usage if you’re a kidney patient.

  • Making the most of your money

    Follow these top tips to budget, avoid unnecessary costs, make the most of your income, and access further advice and support when money is tight