We know there are around 46,800 people living with CKD in the two most deprived areas in Bristol and Dorset. There are over 1,800 people currently on dialysis in their joint overall network.

By working together, we will raise awareness of mutually beneficial services in these regions and support kidney patients across the South West at a time when this is more important than ever.
Get in touch with Wessex Water and Bristol Water for support with:
- Assistance with paying your water bill or debt support
- Signing up to the Wessex Water and Bristol Water Priority Services Register
Or call 0345 600 3600 or submit a general enquiry or a bill or account enquiry online.
Watch: Sue's story
Sue has been on dialysis since March 2023. After Kidney Care UK passed on her details to Bristol and Wessex Water, she was able to join the Priority Services Register and get additional help paying her heating bills.
I'll say it stopped me worrying, stressing . . . and nothing seemed to be too much trouble. You know, they listened, appreciated that I had difficulties and understood.Sue, speaking about the impact of Bristol and Wessex Water's help